Funded Projects
Teachers and administrators have the opportunity to apply for funding from the Marion Foundation during a grant cycle every school year. There is no minimum or maximum amount that can be requested. A Grant Committee consisting of current and former district staff, parents, alumni and other community leaders reviews each funding request. These projects were awarded funding in 2024.
S & C Sound system
Marion High School
Replacement for the current sound system for the Strength & Conditioning Program.
small group knowledge Books
Longfellow Elementary School
Sets of books that can be used by students that are at benchmark on second grade reading skills that go along with knowledge units.
Sponsorship for Take Charge
Marion High School and Vernon Middle School
Take Charge is a substance abuse prevention program that has been serving all buildings in the Marion district, except Marion Home School, for more than 25 years. High school students involved in the program lead meetings at Vernon Middle School and provide presentations on substance abuse for grades first through eighth.
Books For Classroom Libraries
Parkview Elementary School
Books for the school libraries at the newly built Parkview Elementary to start their collections.
Building Thinking Classrooms with Whiteboards
Vernon Middle School
Replacement of the fifth grade Math team whiteboards for student usage and collaboration.
Marion Independent School District
The Green Bandana Project is a mental health awareness and suicide prevention program at Vernon Middle School and Marion High School.
Parkview Preschool Preparation
Parkview Elementary School
Funds will be used to purchase learning materials that coincide with the units in early literacy program.
Marion High School and Vernon Middle School
Replacement for the current vibraphone that is used at both schools.
High School Books
Marion High School
Books for the high school library for curricular use and for free reading that will enhance and update the current collection.
Accessories for iPads for sixth grade math
Vernon Middle School
Styli and iPad cases for the iPads used for sixth grade math.
Fifth Grade Headphones
Vernon Middle School
Headphones for six different fifth grade core classroom at Vernon Middle School.