Make A Donation
Use the form below to make a cash donation online with credit, debit or PayPal.
Donations by check may be mailed or delivered to the office.
Marion School Foundation
777 S 15th St
Marion, IA 52302
To set up an electronic funds transfer or reoccurring donation, please complete this form and return to the Foundation office.
If you’d like to designate your gift to a specific program, school or memorial, please note this in the comment box of the form, include a note with your check, or contact the Foundation office.
Please contact the Foundation office if you’d like to discuss other gifting opportunities, such as planned giving, in-kind gifts, adding to an existing fund, or establishing a new endowed fund. Company matching gift forms should be directed to Marion School Foundation at the address above.
Marion Independent School Foundation & Alumni Association (EIN 42-1343360) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit supporting the Marion Independent School District.