Grant Funded TIP Welder Fills Gap

In spring 2021, Dennis Fleege at Marion High School wrote a funded grant to the Marion Independent School Foundation to support the purchase of a Miller Syncrowave 210 TIG welder, adding a second welder to the program. The original goal of this project was to double the amount of time students were able to use a TIG welder, helping them to deepen their understanding and abilities in TIG welding.

The welder benefits both Metals 2 students and Marion High School students enrolled in the Kirkwood welding certification class. It allows students to gain another welding skill that they can take with them and can also be used as a stick welder for the MHS Metals 1 class.

Students in the Metals 2 class commented,” The tig welder was nice to have because it led me to be more precise with my welds and helped me learn to use my puddle more, the tig gun helped me with my focus as well it helped me slow down so I wasn’t going fast anymore like I would on different machines.” A student in the Kirkwood Welding Certification Class shared positive feedback about the project,” I loved the Tig welder, it was awesome. It was easy to use and beneficial to my skills. It can definitely be useful in the future for me.”

The Marion Foundation’s grant program provides teachers an opportunity to receive funding for projects that benefit students in the Marion Independent School District. Grants are made possible because of generous contributions the Foundation receives throughout the year from both businesses and individuals as well as a number of educational funds that are invested with the Foundation for long-term benefit.