Marion Grant Supports Social Studies Curriculum

During spring of 2022 Vernon Middle School staff submitted a funded Marion School Foundation grant to purchase mini DBQ (miniature document based questions) binders for the social studies department. The original goal of this project was to help the middle school social studies department prepare our students to be future ready. Through this project, students read historical documents, analyze them, and then prepare an argumentative essay with evidence to support their claim.

Per the application, “The Iowa Social Studies standards follow a C3 framework. How do we prepare students for college, career, and civic life? The C3 framework has units built around an essential question. An essential question, is an open ended question that stimulates ongoing thinking and inquiry. For example: How does where you live influence how you live? This essential question is asked in our 7th grade classrooms.”

We are excited to share that the binders have been purchased and are utilized at Vernon. According to a 7th grade student who just completed a packed on tyranny, “I thought the packet was good. It was a little confusing, but after Fishells help I didn’t have any trouble with it. It definitely helped me to deeper understand what tyranny is and where it has happened in history.”

The Marion Foundation’s grant program provides teachers an opportunity to receive funding for projects that benefit students in the Marion Independent School District. Grants are made possible because of generous contributions the Foundation receives throughout the year from both businesses and individuals as well as a number of educational funds that are invested with the Foundation for long-term benefit.