Anna Tuuri is a Marion High School student, class of 2023. She is involved with soccer, wrestling and show choir through the school and is on the Five Seasons Ski team. After the derecho, her dad “volun-told” her to help at the Iowa Derecho Storm Resource Center. She had so much fun there that she kept coming back. At this time she has volunteered over 300 hours and her assistance has evolved into a leadership role for the center as other volunteers were no longer available.
There are many reasons why people call the storm resource center but most are looking for resources such as food, supplies or tree work. Others just need a friendly voice to listen or to help them get emotions off their chest.
Anna says that this volunteer experience has given her a different perspective on communication. She finds it easier to carry on a conversation and her confidence has soared.
When asked what advice she might give to other students who are considering volunteering she said,” Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It is a weird experience at first, and can be hard. Just stick with it and you will find your place.”
After graduation from Marion High School Anna plans to go to University Wisconsin Stevens-Point, and is verbally committed to the soccer program. She hopes to be a Special Education Teacher. The skills that she has learned through volunteering will assist not only those she served at the storm recovery center but will also aid Anna as she pursues a career in education. Thank you for making a difference, Anna!
This article is part of a larger article that will be shared in the Winter 2020 Edition of the Marion Independent School Foundation and Alumni Association Newsletter. If you are interested in receiving our newsletter by mail, please contact us at