Superintendent’s Report

It is both an honor and a pleasure to begin serving in the role of Superintendent for the Marion Independent School District. The MISD Mission states: ‘The MISD in partnership with parents and the community will create a safe environment where each learner is nurtured to become successful’. There are many great things happening at […]

MISD Leader Awards Announced

MISD Leader Awards are given annually by the Foundation to recognize District staff who go above and beyond for their students, colleagues, and the community. Staff are nominated and voted for by their peers to receive this award. This year’s recipients are not only current district staff but are also both Marion alum! Chad Zrudsky […]

Hills Bank Provides Classroom Cash

Hills Bank presented a check to the Foundation on Thursday, May 16th for $1,050.86 that was collected through their Classroom Cash program. Through the Classroom Cash program, Hills Bank customers can designate Marion Independent School District as their district of choice and a percentage of debit card purchases are donated to Marion schools at no […]