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Grant Funded Graphing Calculators Solve Problems

Graphic calculators continue to remain a required standard for millions of middle and high school students across the country, and the cost can be a hardship for students. In fall 2020 Roxanne Paulsen & Carrie Johnson at Marion High School requested Marion School Foundation grant funding to purchase 150 TI-84 graphing calculators and charging stations […]

Grant Funded “Think Spots” Bring Calm to Classrooms

In fall of 2020, Francis Marion Intermediate instructors Becky Gustafson and Jamie Shields submitted a joint application to purchase “Think Spots” for FMI (3rd and 4th grade) classrooms.  These spots contained items such as fidget cubes, stretchy string, glitter wands, noise cancelling headphones, and breathing balls. The goals of this project were to ensure that […]